Determining a Return on Investment is a business owner's number one priority, so BotFactory is pleased to announce their new Online Calculator that helps industry understand the value of PCB Printing (also known as Additively Manufactured Electronics, or Electronics 3D Printing). Rapid Prototyping for physical plastic or metal objects has been the biggest application for 3D Printing, and for PCB Printing BotFactory's ROI Calculator demonstrates the same. BotFactory is a leader in the fast-growing field of Electronics 3D Printing and it's SV2 PCB Printer is the only product in the market today that is capable of not only creating multilayer circuits but also dispensing and assembling each board giving Electrical Engineers the capability to upload and fabricate PCBs in minutes instead of weeks.
To help businesses understand the payback time, BotFactory has not only released their ROI calculator but in-depth research on how PCB vendors create boards, providing the market an idea of how complex and expensive it is to create each one. When stacked against them, the simplicity of BotFactory's PCB Printing technology gives them a significant edge in terms of time and budget saved and promotes the argument that for every month saved in R&D, another month in the market is gained. BotFactory has also released details on how their ROI calculator works, and provides a breakdown of time and budget savings on their own case studies such as their new Smart Outlet project.
To learn more click on the link below to see BotFactory's campaign landing page where anyone may use the ROI calculator and read related blogposts on the matter. Also attached here is a Media Press-kit with high resolution images. For more information and inquiries, please contact us by email at